Saturday, August 20, 2011

Exchange 2003 - Recover Deleted Items

Hey guys,

In case of an accidental mail deletion, even with Shift+Delete, there's a way of restoring it with a simple Registry modification.

Basically when a mail is being completely deleted within Outlook, there is a way of recovering it by selecting the "Tools"->"Recover Deleted Items" option. There is a BUT, we'll be able to see the deleted mail only under "Deleted Items" and we won't be able to see the items that got deleted using Shift+Delete.
To bypass those defaults we'll open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following path :
There we'll add the following DWORD:"DumpsterAlwaysOn" and change it to 1.
**The Registry modification will be made on the client computer. We can use Group Policy to apply the change to all the computers in the organization while starting Windows**

I'm adding the Registry tweak which I created, using Group Policy you can apply it as a logon script.


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